Transparency Grenade

The lack of Corporate and Governmental transparency has been a topic of much controversy in recent years, yet our only tool for encouraging greater openness is the slow, tedious process of policy reform. 

Presented in the form of a Soviet F1 Hand Grenade, the Transparency Grenade is an iconic cure for these frustrations, making the process of leaking information from closed meetings as easy as pulling a pin. 

Equipped with a tiny computer, microphone and powerful wireless antenna, the Transparency Grenade captures network traffic and audio at the site and securely and anonymously streams it to a dedicated server where it is mined for information. Email fragments, HTML pages, images and voice extracted from this data are then presented on an online, public map, shown at the location of the detonation. 

Whether trusted employee, civil servant or concerned citizen, greater openness was never so close at hand..

…And Idea who’s time has come!

Reblog:Tech@Burlington Meetup — Wed, Feb 8th @ New Moon

Tech@Burlington Meetup — Wed, Feb 8th @ New Moon

Tech@VT Meetup is coming to Burlington on Wedndesday! Come meet entrepreneurs, service providers and investors in the back room of New Moon in Burlington to chat, catch up and exchange ideas. RSVP through the Facebook Event

Directions to New Moon


2600 Meeting & Lab B Hangout!

Next Friday is the first of the month. That’s this Friday. It’s 2600 time! Meeting will be at the usual place the Game Lounge at 178 Main Street in Burlington Vermont from 5-8. It’s on the third floor, so just keep going up. There will be signs to point the way.

Afterwards we will probably head over to Laboratory B our new hacker space just  1.5 blocks away for further hijinks! We’ve made a lot of improvements since we moved in 2 weeks ago!

5-8 is prime dinner time, Pizza can be grabbed from downstairs
It’s also free bus ride day too!

Laboratory B ReLaunch!

It's an empty room...but it's our empty room!

We’re back! Lab B is back in physical space! At the Hood Plant in downtown Burlington. The new bunker of research and education is roughly ~550 Sq ft of tech adventure time!

We’re planning and plotting a ton of great things to kick off our new space! What you might ask?!

Classes: Learn to solider! Assemble some electronics kits! Code up some software!
Showings: We’re going to be doing two types of awesome showings!  One being documentaries of the nerdy type and two being the fun of a hacker con with out the travel and expense!
Open Nights: Wondering what this is all about..well come to one of our open nights in which hack stuff! woot!

We still have to do some cleanup and of course move in! Stay Tuned!


Fashion Meet Function

Fashion Meets Function. In an awesome cyber-surveillance evading way! Is it hip now to avoid the all watching eye!

CV Dazzle™ is camouflage from computer vision (CV). It is a form of expressive interference that combines makeup and hair styling (or other modifications) with face-detection thwarting designs. The name is derived from a type of camouflage used during WWI, called Dazzle, which was used to break apart the g


estalt-image of warships, making it hard to discern their directionality, size, and orientation. Likewise, the goal of CV Dazzle is to break apart the gestalt of a face, or object, and make it undetectable to computer vision algorithms, in particular face detection.

Because face detection is the first step in automated facial recognition, CV Dazzle can be used in any environment where automated face recognition systems are in use, such as Google’s Picasa, Flickr, or Facebook (see CV Dazzle vs PhotoTagger by






Would you like to know more!

On Cyberwar: China’s great leap forward

This article got me thinking

Both experts and amateurs who have studied the blurred photos of an unfamiliar fighter jet on a runway in China ( have concluded that Beijing has started testing its fifth-generation stealth fighter.

The J-20 prototype is expected to rival the U.S. F-22 and the Russian T-50 fighters. But is China ready to start mass-producing the aircraft? How good is the prototype?

Experts call it a combination of the Russian and U.S. fifth-generation fighters, but that greatly simplifies matters. In the last 20 years, China has been working closely with Russia to develop a modern fighter jet. But the J-20 is not simply a copy of a Russian design. Rather China has tried to build a completely new aircraft based on the technology and knowledge it has gained during its years of cooperation with Russia.

The future of the new Chinese fighter will depend on several factors.


It is not clear what kind of engine the plane will have. Some say it will use the prospective Chinese-made WS-15 engine with a maximum thrust exceeding 18,000 kg, but the engine is still in the pipeline.

China has been unable to reproduce Russia’s highly efficient high-temperature turbofan AL-31F engine, designed in the early 1980s and currently mounted on the Su-27 fighter and its modifications. The engines for Sukhoi planes manufactured in China are made in Russia and then assembled and adjusted in China.

The AL-31F engine is also mounted on China’s J-10 fighter planes. The engine’s Chinese analogue, the WS-10, is less efficient than the Russian prototype.


A fifth-generation stealth fighter must be able to evade radar, and so it must be made from modern composite materials. However, China does not produce such materials in commercial amounts, and experts doubt that it can develop and produce them for its Air Force.


Electronic equipment, primarily radar, in China stands at approximately the same level as its engines. Chinese designs fall short of the capabilities of their Russian, European and American counterparts. Although China has been gradually narrowing the gap, it still has to import modern electronic equipment for its aircraft.

The best aircraft radar systems are currently made for Russia’s Su-30MKK fighters, and China will most likely copy this design. It is not clear how much it will differ in terms of specifications from next-generation Russian or American radar systems.


The guided weapons used in the Chinese Air Force were mostly copied from U.S., Israeli and Russian prototypes made in the 1960s through 1980s. China will have to spend a great deal of time and effort to develop its own weapons, even if it borrows elements of prototypes bought from other countries. But foreign producers are becoming increasingly wary of sharing their next-generation technology with China.


Since the 1970s, China has consistently lagged 15 to 20 years behind the world leaders in aircraft manufacturing. This was true of their third- and fourth-generation aircraft, and this appears to be the case with its fifth-generation fighter plane.

The J-20 fighter was produced nearly 20 year after the U.S. YF-22 (the prototype of the mass-produced F-22A), 17 years after the Russian MiG-1.44 (MiG-MFI, or Multifunctional Frontline Fighter), and 14 after Russia’s S.37 (Su-47).

If the J-20 is accepted as the prototype for a new series, China will be able to produce a fifth-generation fighter plane within 10 years. If not, it will begin batch production no sooner than 15 or 20 years from now.

No one knows for sure what will happen, but it’s certainly not too early to make predictions about the future of the new plane.

Given its traditional policy of aircraft manufacturing, China will most likely create a functional analogue of foreign-made 5G planes that will cost 50% to 80% less than Russian and U.S. models. China will most likely sell the plane in Central Asia, the Middle East, Latin America and Southeast Asia, as well as to the richest African countries.

The export models of the J-20 and the planes of that series made for the Chinese Air Force will have foreign, including Russian, equipment and weapons. Moreover, in the next 20 to 30 years China will have to continue to import modern aircraft technology. Despite the strides made by China’s aircraft designers in the last 20 years, China has only slightly narrowed the technological gap dividing it from the global leaders.

The views expressed in this article are the author’s and do not necessarily represent those of RIA Novosti.

China is often accused of cyber espionage, an generally speaking where there is smoke there is fire. This plane is an example of why. China’s military needs to make great leap forward. China needs to be able to produce military technologies like this one soup to nuts at home. No engines from Russia, or avionics from Europe.  But right now the PLA is largely still an Army of 40 years ago. To make this great leap forward China is using cyber espionage as a tool to make this leap. This makes perfect sense, why build the tech when you can just steal it. Also your cyber team is a dual use technology. Use it to build the economy and fight a war if you have to.

A little trick to extract stored FTP details – DigiNinja

A little trick to extract stored FTP details – DigiNinja.

You are on a test and pop a box which has an FTP client on it. On investigation you find it has credentials stored but the boxes they are for aren’t in scope. Knowing the passwords could be reused on other boxes that are in scope you really want to collect them.

You could try grabbing the credentials file and trying to crack it but this might be an easier way…

Set up an FTP server on your machine then modify the hosts file on your popped box to point all the hosts with credentials to your machine. Then start a TCP sniffer on your machine and ask the client to connect.

The client will find the server and send the credentials which you can simply pull out of the packet capture.

This will also work with other plain text protocols such as HTTP basic auth and POP3 as long as you can get your own “fake” server to respond with enough initial info to trigger the details to be sent.

That is a cute little trick isn’t it!