Always wonder what the big boys of InfoSec sound like when they are talking to each other and in the office. Now’s your chance visit the HBGary pages of Cryptome.
Month: February 2011
All About Patents: From Hive76
All About Patents, is a short blog post to get you started on what’s up with patents. Etc
HBGary Goes AWOL from RSA.
RSA 2011: HBGary Goes AWOL | Liquidmatrix Security Digest.
I understand why they did this but on the other hand it’s hard to sell your protection services when you can’t even protect yourself…AND your afraid to show your face in public.
Haven’t actually used this yet but thought it was pretty cool:
Security is Mathematics
Check out this awesome article called “Security is Mathematics” from Colin Percival.
Wheres my Creeper Box?
Dave from Laboratory-b just had an article posted on Infosec Island. Check it out!
Stuxnet Source Code on GitHub
The publically released source code for the Stuxnet botnet has been decompiled and posted on GitHub. This stuff never ceases to amaze me!
Cryptome: HBGary Federal
Cryptome has broken down the HBGary data dump for review. HBGary Anonymous and Wikileaks February 13, 2011 (317KB) HBGary Venezuela and Iran February 13, 2011 (697KB) HBGary E-Crime and Advanced Persistent Threats February 13, 2011 (554KB) HBGary Secure Applied Physics Lab February 13, 2011 (874KB) HBGary National Security Agreements February 13, 2011 (1.3MB) HBG-TENPP.pdf HBGary Targeting Exelon Nuclear Power Plant February 13, 2011 HBGary Corporate Information Spying Cell February 13, 2011 (288KB) HBGary Threat Monitoring Center February 13, 2011 (792KB) HBGary Exploitation Assessment February 13, 2011 (712KB) HBGary Social Media Security Reset February 12, 2011 (5.5MB) HBGary Emerging Threats and Trends 2011 February 12, 2011 (4.2MB) dodi-3305-01.pdf National Intelligence University February 12, 2011 HBGary Scoutvision Law Enforcement-Intel Cases February 11, 2011 (6.7MB) HBGary Social Media Exploitation February 11, 2011 (5.8MB) HBGary Advanced Persistent Threat February 11, 2011 (3.0MB) HBGary Mandiant Advanced Persistent Threat February 11, 2011 (2.0MB) HBGary McAfee Integration February 11, 2011 (1.5MB) HBGary Aurora Malware Report February 11, 2011 (400KB) HBGary Splunk Brief-IT Management Is Broken February 11, 2011 (3.2MB) HBGary Topological Vulnerability Analysis February 11, 2011 (2.4MB) HBG-Fed-OA.pdf HBGary Federal Operating Agreement February 11, 2011 This isn't everything in the HBGary feed, but it certainly is interesting
I come for the 2600, I stay for the Lab B
That’s right, tomorrow is the is the first Friday of the month. That means Borders Books & Music in Burlington will be hosting our 2600 meeting from 5 -8pm . After that I’m sure some us will be heading over to Laboratory B in the North End to hack the night away.
If you interested in what happened at Shmoocon last weekend, the state IPV4 address space in the world or other nerdy tech hacker stuff, maybe you should come on down!
Pumping Station: One » Blog Archive » Equipment Labeling
Pumping Station: One » Blog Archive » Equipment Labeling. This might be a useful thing to do in house.