
DIY Seasonal Mirror-Based Window Extender for Heat and Light

Some months ago, lessons learned from my previous adventures with managing summer cooling in the passive solar building where the Lab calls home sent me down a rabbit hole in the opposite direction: maximizing thermal gain in the winter time!

One of the main trade-offs with traditional passive solar design lies in the sizing of the south-facing windows. On the one hand, the more glazing a building has, the more solar heat it can capture and store on sunny days. On the other hand, when night falls, even the most efficient modern windows have a tiny fraction of the insulation value of an insulated wall. So, even when somewhat mitigated by insulated blinds, a wall of windows dumps a great deal of heat back outside.

A key question is whether the amount of solar heat captured during the day is, on net, greater than the heat lost by having windows rather than walls. Fortunately, a 2018 article by Robert Opaluch on crunches the numbers on this, with Burlington, Vermont as one of the cities analyzed. By his reckoning, south-facing windows show a net energy gain of approximately 42% after accounting for glazing losses. This makes passive solar here marginally worth it, though a far cry from places like Denver, Colorado, where the net is 75%.

Tower surrounded by a field of mirrors.
The center is a bit toasty.

However, what if it were possible to increase the amount of sunlight going into a south-facing window without increasing the window size? This question led me to start learning about heliostats. The concept of using mirrors to redirect sunlight to useful places goes back at least to ancient Egypt, where manually adjusted heliostats were used for temple lighting. In modern times, the most iconic examples take the form of solar thermal power plants, where thousands of mirrors surround and heat a central tower to generate electricity.

My first thought was around using a heliostat to turn a north-facing window into (energy-wise) a south-facing one. Poking around online reveals a good number of DIY projects, including Arduino control software, and there are a few high-end heliostats available on the consumer market. Intriguingly, there was a company in the early 2010s that marketed an aesthetically nice sunflower-shaped one, but they seem to have not gotten very far.

So, I engaged a few of my fellow Lab B members on the idea of designing a low-cost heliostat that could be largely constructed from salvaged and easily procured materials (generally aligned with Appropriate Technology principles). However, as we got into the specifics, we identified a number of challenges, including:

  • Wind. A heliostat’s effectiveness is directly proportional to its flat surface area (with direct sunlight delivering approximately one kilowatt per square meter). However, that flat surface also has the potential to become a sail in windy weather. So, it would be necessary to over-engineer the tracking mechanism and/or procure a specialized mirror with holes to allow wind through, both of which would increase costs beyond our target range.
  • Battery Temperature. Our goal was for a design that could operate off-grid, powered by a small PV panel and battery. However, as the purpose of the heliostat is as a winter heater, it needs to be designed for exposure to the extreme cold of northern Vermont, and we didn’t identify any optimal batteries that could handle the conditions without increasing the cost and complexity of the unit beyond our specifications.

So, while I’d still love to see a cheap, simple, easily replicable heliostat design to light up the north side of my house, we decided to pivot to a simpler but related idea: “extenders” for south-facing windows that can be mounted and removed seasonally with minimal or no permanent hardware. While there are many examples of architectural light-shelves redirecting light already inside a building’s envelope, I could find few examples of the mirrors mounted outside the window aside from a consumer product offered by this French company.

The core concept is that, by mounting a mirror roughly perpendicular to the bottom of a south-facing window, it reflects sunlight that would have fallen on the insulated exterior of the building through the window instead. With the right sized mirror and mounting hardware, the functional “size” of the window for solar gain calculations could be increased by almost 50%, potentially providing Burlington, Vermont windows with Boulder, Colorado performance!

To test this out, I ordered some cheap self-adhesive acrylic mirrors, stuck them to a scrap piece of plywood, and clamped it to the exterior sill of a south-facing window.

Mirrors clamped to sill

Sure enough, when the sun came out the next morning, a bright spot shone on my dining-room ceiling.

Light spot on the ceiling

However, as the window sill is several inches below the actual glazing, a good chunk of the light was not going where it needed to go. So, for my second version, I adhered the mirrors to a piece of scrap 2X6 and clamped that to the window sill, which got them closer to the window, but still not at the optimal level (and the clamps don’t look great as semi-permanent fixtures).

The reality is that, since windows have a wide variety of dimensions, an adjustable mounting device is called for. So I next decided to try a tension rod of the type commonly used for curtains, shower curtains, etc. I attached cable tie mounts to the bottoms of the mirrors, and tried to zip tie them in place before mounting the curtain rod at the appropriate height in the window-frame.

This seemed to be quite promising, except for the fact that the zipBack of tension-rod mounted mirror ties were not able to grip with sufficient friction to permanently “set” the mirror angle. Fortunately, a relatively simple solution is sold by the foot at my local hardware store: traction tape of the sort used for making stairs grippy. After wrapping the appropriate points on the bar with this tape, the mirrors were able to hold their position. The limiting factor at this point is the amount of torque the tension bars can sustain from the mirrors cantilevering off of them, which is influenced both by the bar’s design and the width of the portion of the window frame it is lodged in. At this point I’ve not determined the maximum load for my bars, but have been using 2mm thick 6”x9” acrylic mirrors which are quite light and have been working fine.

Mounted MirrorNow that the basic model is more-or-less dialed in, my next goals for this project are:

  1. A design using a second tension rod at the top of the window-frame to provide additional support for a larger/heavier mirror via a wire/pulley system.
  2. A design for a permanently-mounted version that swings up (possibly automated) at night forming an insulated half-shutter, thereby decreasing the glazing loss in addition to supplementing the solar gain.

In the meantime, the basic recipe for a “mirrored window extender” with some annotations:

Materials List:

    • Adjustable tension rod. Look for a rod where the adjustment happens at the end rather than in the middle, so as to maximize the amount of the rod that remains in a fixed position when you mount it. For the same reason, try to match the width of your mounting point to the low end of the tension rod’s length range.
    • Mirrors.  I have found success with the acrylic 2mm thick mirrors that you can get cheaply on sites like Amazon and AliExpress.They are just thick enough to not require additional structure like the self-adhesive ones do, but extremely light compared to glass mirrors. Thus-far I have successfully used 6”x9” and 12”x12” mirrors.
    • Cable Tie Mounts. I mount two per 6”x9” mirror near the edge of the 6” side. You generally need to clean the surface of the back of the mirror with rubbing alcohol before adhering the mounts.
    • Cable Ties. Can be short, make sure they fit your mounts.
    • 1” Wide Grip Tape. I have been adhering the cable tie mounts to the mirrors first, then using them to line up the exact placement of the grip tape on the tension rod.


  1. Measure the part of the window frame where you plan to mount the window extender and obtain an appropriately sized tension rod.
  2. Determine the length of the portion of the tension rod that does not need to be rotated in the mounting process, and figure out how many mirrors can be mounted to it in that space. The last mirror before the rotating portion can overlap the rotating portion a bit so long as all mounting hardware is on the stationary portion.
  3. Clean the areas on the backs of the mirrors where you plan to adhere the cable tie mounts with rubbing alcohol.
  4. Once the alcohol dries, measure and mark the edges of where the cable tie mounts will go. For 6”x9” mirrors, the outside edge of each cable tie mount is ½” from the outside edge of the mirror, and flush with the bottom of the mirror.
  5. Lay out the mirrors on a table, and use them to determine where to wrap the tension bar with grip tape.
  6. Use zip ties to attach the mirrors to the tension rod. Keeping the mirrors laying flat face down on the table during this step helps ensure that they are all attached to the rod at close to the same angle.
  7. Mount your rod to the window frame. The ideal location is at, or just slightly below, the bottom of the window glass. Angle the mirrors down about 10 degrees so that water drains away from the window-frame, and so reflected sunlight is directed more towards the ceiling than into peoples’ faces.

Miscellaneous Considerations:

  1. Beyond heat, the upward angle of the light is great for hanging plants near the top of a window. My pothos seems pretty happy with it! As am I in the mid-winter when, at our northern latitude, I’m pretty sunlight starved…
  2. Most modern windows tend to be designed with reducing solar heat gain in mind, with coatings that reflect a large portion of infrared heat. This makes them better insulators, but reduces solar gain. If you have your windows’ documentation, look for the “Solar Heat Gain Coefficient” stat. Modern windows often have a coefficient of .3, meaning 30% of the heat energy passes throughg the window, while plain glass has a coefficient of ~.8-.9. As such, this tool will often be particularly effective when mounted on older windows made of uncoated glass. I have one set of single pane windows with storms in my house, and I can feel the difference standing in the sun in that room versus a room with modern coated double-pane windows.Math-wise, if you want to calculate how much energy your mirrors are providing, the formula is:

    1000 watts x square meters of mirror x reflectivity coefficient of mirror (~.9-.95) x Solar Heat Gain Coefficient = watts of energy captured in full sunlight per hour.

Happy building, and feel free to comment with your learnings if you decide to try to make your own!

Adventures in Passive Solar Heat Mitigation

The building Lab B occupies at 12-22 North Street was built in 1979/80 as a state-of-the-art passive solar demonstration project. With R-40+ wall insulation, a large brick thermal mass bisecting the building, and large arrays of south-facing windows on both the first and second floors, 12-22 gets and stays toasty in the winter.

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The seasonal logic of overhangs in passive solar design.

While the front overhang helps a bit, it also gets toasty in the summer-time (particularly the southern offices), and we discovered just how toasty when the A/C unit died in the middle of July with no prospect of replacement until September. So, some hardcore kludging was in order…

To start, we immediately aimed to deploy a few portable air conditioners, but ran into to the fact that virtually all the windows are casement windows. So, the only kind of A/C that could work would be a portable one with a hose rather than a window unit, and we needed to figure out how to get the hose out with the remainder of the window sealed.

The best solution I found was a cloth adapter that attaches to either side of the window via adhesive velcro strips. In the center is a zipper with two pulls, so the exhaust tube can be zipped in and form a decent (but obviously not perfect) seal. One obvious downside is that it does not provide security, so for the window facing the street (rather than behind a fence) I ended up taking it down and closing the window at the end of each day. With the velcro, that was not a huge pain – once you have the hang of it, it’s maybe a minute to deploy, and less to break down.

I this is the hottest summer of my life GISTEMP Annual Trend 1979-2019 this is the coldest summer of the rest of your life - America's best pics and videosThe portable A/Cs took some of the edge off, but were clearly insufficient to get and keep the building at a comfortable temperature, particularly with “Earth’s Hottest Summer on Record” heat waves rolling in. So, in addition to our machines desperately pumping heat out of the building, we needed to figure out ways to minimize the heat coming into the building (“solar gain”).

The windows were already equipped with off-white cellular blinds which insulate and reflect a bit of heat, so my first addition was mounting some reflective bubble foil insulation to the interior of some windows, starting with the skylights. Being in a hurry, I simply used some loops of painters tape to adhere them to the skylights and some windows.

This approach made a dent, but had two signficant flaws. First, no matter how reflective the material, once light passes into the building, a significant portion of the energy of the incoming light is captured as heat inside the building envelope. And said heat concentrated between the foil insulation and the window. With sufficient exposure to those high temperatures, the adhesive in the tape weakened and my sun-blocks gracefully fluttered to the floor within a matter of days.

A far superior approach is to intercept the solar heat before it enters the building envelope. The most common way of achieving this is with reflective film that is applied to the exterior of the window. However, as we didn’t want to give up the helpful solar gain in the Winter to mitigate our Summer suffering, we needed a more temporary solution that could be deployed when needed, and easily broken down and stored when not. One of the nicer options seems to be solar screens, but they were beyond both our current budget and time-frame – we required something that could arrive and be deployed quickly on a budget.

Aluminet deployedAluminet interiorSo, the first thing I decided to try was Aluminet. It’s a reflective woven material that comes in tarps, and is commonly used for shading crops in hot climates. You can order tarps that let various percentages of light through. I ordered two tarps that block 70% and let 30% through with different dimensions, and mounted them over some of the front windows. They seemed to be fairly effective, while still letting enough light through that the interior space didn’t feel gloomy. Another benefit that became apparent when I mounted a reflective solid tarp over another window to perform a similar function is aluminet’s relative resilience to high winds. When a thunder storm rolled through, the solid tarp became a kite that I had to go running after, while the holes in the aluminet meant the wind passed through and blowing away was never a problem.

Suction cup exterior shadesA second affordable/DIY exterior mounted solution I came across found me reusing the sheets of bubble foil insulation that had fallen from the skylights earlier. The core idea is simple: add suction cups to the corners and stick them on the window exterior. After ordering a professionally manufactured version with a few week lead-time for under $20, I scrounged up some used suction cups to make a few (less attractive) DIY versions for immediate deployment. I only made them about half of the height of the window, as the top portion tends the be shaded by the overhang, and so they would block most of the heat while still allowing natural light into the offices.

As they accumulated, the exterior interventions made a meaningful dent on the solar gain, and gave our long-suffering portable A/C units the breathing room they needed to keep the building mostly comfortable.

With the arrival of the 45 degree nights of Vermont’s Fall, the urgency of this work has begun to fade, and installation of the building’s new heat pump has begun, so the end of the crisis period is in sight. However, the motivation of avoiding an 80+ degree office ended up teaching me a lot about the dynamics of solar gain. It also provided ideas for annual interventions (such as obtaining a full complement of the professional suction cup-mounted window coverings) that will, complementing the new HVAC, allow the building to operate far more efficiently in the coming (ever hotter) Summers.

Stay Cool!

Weekly Public Hours Every Thursday Evening!

screenshot of an image on wikipedia of a few guys standing around a table with ice cream on it with the caption 'people eating ice cream at a lan party'

We realized we hadn’t updated the site to note that open hours have resumed!  Come hang out with us every Thursday from 7pm-9pm (and probably later) at our space at 12 North st. (up the stairs at the side of the building.

Folks will be there working on personal projects, fixing things, chatting, eating, playing games and just hanging out. Come through!!

February 2023 Activities Update

We set up a Mastodon account. Toot @ us here.

Regular Activities:
  • Public Hours happening every Thursday from 7pm – (at least) 9pm in the space.
  • Repair Cafe 3rd Saturday of the Month from 11am-3pm. Volunteers and broken things welcome!
  • Monthly Member Meeting 2nd Saturday of the Month at 7pm, sometimes a potluck starting at 6pm. Drop a line about attending if you are interested in learning about joining the Lab.
  • Our most frequently active public online space is our Discord Server.
Possible Additional Activities for the Spring
  • Revival of the bike glow-up and ride (late April)
  • Some folks are talking about a monthly textile night

New Mask and COVID-19 Safety Requirements – December 2021

The Laboratory B membership has voted on December 12th, 2021 to introduce the following new policies in the interest of COVID-19 safety:

  • Anyone attending a public event in-person will be required to wear a properly-fitting respirator rated to at least KN95 filtration without exhalation valves. N95, P100, and PAPR respirators are also acceptable.
  • KN95 respirators will be available at no charge at any public event
  • Open Hours will be held virtually on Discord until further notice

We appreciate your cooperation in helping keep our community safe and healthy.

Old North End Repair Cafe – 20 Nov 2021

May be an image of text that says 'Repair Café Toss it? No way!'

Thanks to everyone who came out to the dance party on Friday night and helped raise a bit of $$ for the Repair Cafe! It was a blast, and we’ll likely do another one at some point.

If you want to swing by while we’re fixing things rather than flailing about wildly with glow-sticks, swing by the next Repair Cafe on Saturday, Nov 20!

Free and or Open Source Game Night

Join Lab B every Thursday night at 7pm for FOSS (free + open source software) (or sometimes closed source but free) game nights. Meet up on our discord and we’ll go from there. If we’re planning on a specific game it will be listed on our events page


EDIT: regular (weekly, unstructured, in-person) open hours have resumed!

Third Old North End Repair Cafe this Saturday August 15th!

The next Old North End Repair Cafe is this Saturday, August 15th from 11am-3pm. Come on down and volunteers will do our best to repair anything you can carry in! And if you’d like to help out, please fill out our volunteer interest form (free snacks for volunteers!). This is an outdoor, socially distant event and masks are required.

Also, going on concurrently will be Degrowth Fest which Repair Cafe will be a part of. We’ll have a poster illustrating the merits of repair 🙂

More info on our Repair Cafe page.