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Last weekend Doug whipped together a toy steganography device called “Stegosaurus” [github] — it will take a PNG image, and using a (very very basic) steganography [wikipedia] algorithm stores a payload in the least significant bits of the color definition of pixels in an image. It’s a node.js module, and you can even install it with NPM.
It could use a little improvement if anyone is interested in forking it! It needs some testing with binary files. It needs a way to store the length of the message. And ideally, it’d use a pre-shared key (maybe?) to allow you both: A. define where the payload is hidden in the image, and B. actually encrypt the payload (which is, as of now, unencrypted). Which makes it so it doesn’t follow Kerckhoff’s Principle [wikipedia].
…Unfortunately every single message is decoded as “Drink more ovaltine” [youtube] (…just kidding. it’ll do whatever payload you want)