Jumping the CoreOS Container Linux Ship

The end is within sight for CoreOS Container Linux: May 26, 2020. For a few years now we’ve made use of Container Linux for hosting the laboratoryb.org website. Sadly, this is where our CoreOS journey ends, with end-of-life coming right around the corner.

We’ve finally jumped the CoreOS ship over to Flatcar Container Linux by Kinvolk, an OSS fork of the original project. Everything has been faithfully copied over and is once again running smoothly.

Thanks to Kinvolk for keeping the Container Linux legacy alive!

Serious 0-day Found in Every Version of IE

Stop using IE. Seriously, just stop. At least for now. A serious 0-day vulnerability which exploits MME HTML has been discovered in every existing version of Windows / IE. Until this gets patched it is essential not to use IE as a browser at all.

While this has just recently been made public, you have to wonder how long this has been exploited quietly by the “bad guys”

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